PLX Academy · News · 07 April 2022
world health day
The unparalleled value of good health is celebrated on World Health Day on April 7. Spearheaded by the World Health Organization (WHO), physical, mental, and emotional well – being is promoted and celebrated all over the world on this day. In doing so, it contributes significantly to economic advancement, since healthy people live longer, and are more productive.
Every April 7, the World Health Organization chooses to highlight a special theme current in the wellness and medical world. Ranging from mental health to insurance and everything in between, this day sets the tone for what is to come in the world stage. The theme for this year’s World Health Day is “Our Planet, Our Health”. Amid the ongoing pandemic and pollution growing on the planet, diseases like cancer, asthma, and heart diseases are increasing rapidly. The World Health Organization aims to focus global attention on the urgent actions needed to “keep humans and the planet healthy and foster a movement to create societies focused on well-being“.
The World Health Organization (WHO) convened the first World Health Assembly in 1948, which called for the establishment of a “World Health Day.“