New AI era of healthcare

PLX Academy ·Blog

Today digital technologies are changing the environment and demand for skills at an accelerated pace. New technologies can not only handle a growing number of repetitive and manual tasks but also perform increasingly sophisticated kinds of knowledge-based work—such as research, coding, and writing—that have long been considered safe from disruption.

Healthcare is not an exception. Amason’s CEO andy Jassy in 2021 said that our standard experience of seeing of doctor would change dramatically. We will be witnessing major disaggregation, decentralization and democratization of care.

Delivery of care will shift to homes, at work and in communities and it will happen this decade. Digital healthcare will not be just about virtual telehealth visits, exchange of audio or video information. Instead of knocking on doors or calling receptionist, patients we’ll be entering through convenience of “the digital front door” set by provider network.

At their digital platform, Patients would be able to find and connect with the right provider even in the middle of the night, through online appointment scheduling, automated triage as a self-triage tool, e-visits as a variant of symptom checker where results are prepped and send to your provider with answer within few hours, then virtual visits a type of synchronized visit that are now fairly commonplace by providers hospital systems and insurance companies. But what makes the difference is that providers conducting virtual visits will be aided by an online navigator system that will do a lot of time-saving prep before patients step into the provider’ office.

Latest examples from UCP Merchant Medicine developing and integrating digital tools for comprehensive pre-visit journey, allow 24/7 access with fast response, reduction in human and material costs, democratization od data using sophisticating software, what will greatly elevate patient experiences.

Apparently in the new era of healthcare, providers and stakeholders should understand and embrace the new paradigm shift that is occurring with such a rapid pace transforming needs, environments, channels, and skills required to deliver more efficient medical care and positive patient experience.

*Book:Beyond the Walls: MegaTrends, Movements and Market Disruptors Transforming American Healthcare Hardcover, Zeev Neuwirth MD

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